Charging crystals for a healing effect

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 8 May 2024
How to Cleanse, Charge, Program your Crystals for Healing
Video: How to Cleanse, Charge, Program your Crystals for Healing


Crystals are dissolved minerals that form a crystal lattice. Some crystalline compounds, such as salts, can have positive health effects. Crystals are believed to have a healing effect by rebalancing the body's electromagnetic field. To make sure your crystals are ready for treatment, you need to charge them first. It's also important to make sure your crystals are clean and of high quality.

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Part 1 of 3: Charging a crystal

  1. Expose your crystal to moonlight or sunlight. You can charge crystals by placing them where they receive direct sunlight or moonlight. The light will penetrate your crystal and fill it with positive energy.
    • To use light and thereby purify a crystal, place the crystal in a place where it will be directly exposed to the light. For example, you can place your crystal on a table or railing outside or on an open windowsill, in the light of the moon or sun.
    • Let your crystal absorb light for about 24 hours. You may need to leave your crystal for a few days or nights to make sure it can absorb enough light.
  2. Aim other crystals at the crystal you want to use. You can also charge a crystal with other crystals. To do this, first create a circle with different crystals, placing the crystal you want to charge in the center of the circle. Leave the crystal in the center of the circle for about 24 hours.
  3. Surround your crystal with plants or bury it in the ground. If you want your crystal to be charged with the energy of the earth, you can put the crystal in your garden or even bury it in the ground. Surrounding your crystal with plants and dirt can help recharge your crystal with terrestrial energy.
    • If you decide to bury your crystal, mark that spot so you know where you buried it.
  4. Use energy. This can mean a lot of things. When people use "energy" to charge a crystal, they may not always mean exactly the same thing. Directing your own energy into the object may refer to visualizing your aura / prana / chi / qi / mind entering the crystal. Many people claim they can feel this.Since it is an intuitive process, it is best to rely on your own feelings or those of a mentor to determine whether you are doing this right.
  5. Focus your thoughts on it. Prayers, visualizing your intentions, chanting, and focused meditation on an idea are all ways to direct thoughts and intentions to a crystal. Take the time to direct your thoughts into your crystals. The more time or work you put into directing these thoughts, the more powerful the charge is often assumed to be.
    • Close your eyes and imagine the crystal filling with light. Imagine the crystal becoming so bright and full of light that you cannot look at it.
    • Pray for the crystal to be charged with the power to heal. You can pray to a god or gods, the earth or whatever the guiding force in your life is.
  6. Cast a spell. Magic spells can be a great way to charge a crystal with healing energy. There are many different types of magical practices, and many have spells and rituals suitable for these purposes. Check out the occult section in your local library or bookstore to find specific spells.
    • You can also create your own spells. To create your own spells, think about what you want the crystal to be able to do. For example, if you want the crystal to have the power to heal, write that down.
    • Then think about what you might say as the purpose of the crystal. Lots of people like to phrase spells in the form of a rhyme poem, but you can do whatever feels natural to you. For example, if you want the crystal to have the power to heal, you can write something like, "Clear and strong, full of power, this crystal magnifies my power."
    • Cast your spell. You can simply cast your spell out loud while holding the crystal, or cast your spell with a little more ceremony, such as lighting a few candles and placing the crystal on a special surface, such as an altar.

Part 2 of 3: Removing negative energy from a crystal

  1. Purify the crystal with salt. Clearing crystals helps remove any negative energy that may have attached to your crystals. Some people consider salt a metaphysical cleaning agent. To use salt to purify your crystals, you can wash your crystals with salt water, place crystals in a circle of salt, or bury crystals in salt. All of these techniques can help purify the energy of your crystals.
    • If you want to use salt water, dissolve about a teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water and place your crystal in the salt water. Leave the crystal in the water for a few minutes and then take it out, rinse with non-salty water, then dry with a towel.
    • To use a salt circle, place the crystal on a cloth, plate, or other non-permeable surface. Then take some salt and spread enough around your crystal to create a circle. Leave your crystal within the circle for an hour or more.
    • If you want to bury the crystal in salt, put your crystal in a bowl and pour enough salt over the crystal to cover it completely. Leave the crystal buried in the salt for an hour or more.
  2. Clean crystals with sound. It is believed that sounds such as singing, humming, bowls and bells can help purify objects, people and places. For example, by placing a crystal in a singing bowl, it is thought that you can clean the crystal when the singing bowl is rung.
    • If you don't have a singing bowl, you can hold your crystal in front of your mouth and hum or sing loudly in it. The sound of your voice should penetrate the crystal and help clear it.
  3. Use smoke. In many disciplines, it is believed that the smoke that comes from certain plants when burned has purifying powers. Sage, Santo Palo, and cedar are all believed to have these properties. Bathing the crystal with smoke from the combustion of these plants is thought to remove bad energy.
    • Burn some incense or a sage stick and hold your crystal over the smoke. Let the smoke surround your crystal for a few minutes to help clear it.
    • Sometimes bird feathers are used to vent the smoke. Beware that it may be illegal to own (parts of) certain birds.
    • Be careful when burning plant material in the house. You don't want a fire, just smoke. Let it smolder, don't burn.
  4. Use holy water. Many Catholic churches have holy water available for those who attend the church. Especially in churches that are tourist attractions, it is often possible to bring a modest bottle to fill with water. You can then use the holy water to purify your crystal of bad energy. Some churches frequented by tourists even have small gift shops that sell holy water bottles to use.
    • To purify a crystal with holy water, put your crystal in a small bowl and pour a small amount of holy water on the crystal. You don't have to submerge the crystal, just pour over enough to get it wet. Then take your crystal out of the bowl and dry it.

Part 3 of 3: Choosing a crystal

  1. Find a seller. You can buy crystals at various places. You often think of hippie shops, new age shops, health food stores, shops with scientific or educational curiosities, at fairs and farmers' markets, but also during concerts and online. There are even exchanges devoted entirely to crystals. Make sure to find a reputable seller. You want to make sure that the details regarding your crystals are correct.
  2. Choose a type. Look up different types of crystals. Visual properties as well as symbolism associated with different types of crystals will influence the effect they have. By spending some time looking at different types of crystals, you can find your favorite crystal. You can also learn more about crystals for different uses.
    • Quartz stones are the most common healing crystals. They come in many types (amethyst, citrine, rose quartz, etc.) and shades. People like quartz because it has interesting properties, is visually remarkable, comes in many colors, and has various shapes and levels of clarity. Other commonly used gemstones include:
      • Lapis - can have a calming effect.
      • Jasper - can help balance your aura and promote a sense of peace.
      • Turquoise - can help clear your mind.
      • Malachite - Can help protect against electromagnetic pollution.
    • Gemstones used for healing can include cubic, trigonal, monoclinic, referring to the shape of the crystal lattice. There are seven kinds of these stones.
    • Gemstones are also valued for their "water," or their level of refractive clarity.
  3. Check how the stone feels. A good way to find a crystal is to "feel" it. This means that you choose a crystal based on how the stone makes you feel. Of course, you cannot choose a crystal this way if you plan to buy it online. You will have to go to a store to be near or to touch the stones.
    • Keep in mind that some crystal sellers may not let you touch the stones, as crystals, especially large, can be fragile and very expensive. Make sure to ask for permission before touching them.


  • Old feelings and memories can emerge when working with crystals. Be aware of this and protect yourself with a prayer or meditation prior to your healing session. Let the feelings flow, acknowledge them and love yourself during the experience.
  • Keep in mind that crystal healing has been shown to depend on the placebo effect to work. That means you have to believe that the crystals will work for them to work. That also means that for some people and in some situations, they may not work at all.