How to feel like a child again

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 12 May 2024
This LIFE HACK will make you feel like a kid again!
Video: This LIFE HACK will make you feel like a kid again!


Many of us certainly enjoy being adults, but sometimes we all lack the freedom and adventure of youth. If you want to feel like a child again, try thinking and acting like a child. Even though you certainly have certain responsibilities as an adult, looking at the world through the eyes of a child can help you return to adolescence.


Method 1 of 3: Think Like a Child

  1. 1 Get rid of complexes. Adults spend too much time worrying about how other people perceive them, and this leads to stress and self-doubt. To feel younger, albeit temporarily, stop fearing that you will seem stupid, immature, or crazy to someone.
    • For example, don't think about how loud you laugh. Just have fun laughing.
    • If you start worrying about what people might think again, put those thoughts aside and enjoy the laughter, the opportunity to joke and play.
    • Those activities that allow you to return to childhood involve giving up personal complexes and worries about what others will think. It's difficult, but you can always start small. Watch a comedy and laugh as hard as you want.
  2. 2 Stop judging others. Not only worries about the opinions of other people, but also the condemnation of others prevents you from returning to childhood. Children are more open and free from prejudice than adults, so follow their lead.
    • If you find yourself thinking badly of someone, try to think of something good. You may have to force yourself at first, but over time, your brain will realign and you will stop judging people.
    • Psychologists believe that one of the best ways to get rid of value judgments is to feel better about yourself, since judgment is often a consequence of self-doubt. List your best qualities and traits. Read it out loud every morning, and you will notice that you have become more relatable to the world and people around you.
  3. 3 Throw out your diary. If you want to feel like a child again, you will need to stick to a strict schedule less often and allow yourself more spontaneous actions. It is difficult to feel young and free when you have to worry about meetings, tasks and assignments.
    • Not all days may be free from plans and agreements, but you can not plan your days off in advance.
    • Plan activities for friends and family, but avoid strict times or schedules for such activities.
    • Dump your adult responsibilities from time to time. Paying utilities, cleaning, or washing your clothes will not help you return to childhood.
  4. 4 Get ready for what will happen to you boring. Many adults strive to fill all their free time with useful activities, but children do not live like this. You may have to make an effort on yourself, but sometimes if you have nothing to do, it will be helpful - you can relax and feel young.
    • If you free up some time from all activities, you will have the opportunity to dream, study something, and think about anything.
    • Most adults do not allow themselves to daydream, but experts believe that imagination often contributes to the emergence of important and useful new ideas.
  5. 5 Let someone else take charge. It is very difficult to be responsible for everyone. To feel freer, sometimes allow other people to take on this responsibility.
    • Sit down not behind the wheel, but in the passenger seat.
    • Let someone else decide what to eat.
    • Instead of scheduling a meeting or event, sit on the couch and relax.
  6. 6 Break the rules reasonably. Adults always remember to follow certain rules, but children are more unpredictable. Of course, breaking the law or abandoning your duties completely is impossible, but you can try to break the unspoken rules of adults.
    • Allow yourself to sit up until the night, even if tomorrow is for work.
    • Eat dessert before lunch.
    • Watch a movie in the middle of the day.

Method 2 of 3: Behave Like a Child

  1. 1 Reread your favorite childhood book. Many of us liked certain books or series of books as children. Reread such books to feel like a child again.
    • To make it feel more like a child's, do not buy a book from a store or on the Internet, but get it from the library.
    • Think back to how you read books at night with a flashlight under your covers, and try this again.
  2. 2 Ride your bike. Getting from point A to point B by public transport or by car is convenient, but it makes you feel more mature. Try cycling to remember the feeling when you roll down a mountain and the wind blows in your face.
    • You don't have to plan a route. Many kids enjoy skating just like that.
  3. 3 Listen to music that was popular during your youth. List 40 of the most popular songs of the time.
    • Get out old discs, cassettes or records that contained all of the most valuable music before the internet. If you've thrown it all away, search the internet for old music playlists. Recreating childhood music isn't that hard right now.
    • Usually children are free of those complexes that adults have, so sing and dance as in childhood.
  4. 4 Eat something that you loved as a child. As an adult, you are probably more selective in food, but as a child, you most likely had a favorite unhealthy dish. You don't have to make a habit out of it - just try eating some of your favorite childhood foods again to get back in time:
    • Plain or popsicles
    • Meat pies
    • Lollipops
    • Certain brand of sweet sparkling water
    • Cotton candy
  5. 5 Visit your favorite childhood spots. To feel younger and remember the places of former glory, visit the place where you enjoyed being as a child. You can start from the following places:
    • Trade fairs
    • Circus
    • Amusement parks
    • Toy railway
    • Botanical Garden
    • Zoo
    • A toy shop
    • Ice rink
    • Playgrounds
  6. 6 Stomp through puddles or play in the mud. While playing, children do not notice anything around and are not afraid to get dirty. Put on clothes you don't mind ruining and jump through the puddles.
  7. 7 Climb the tree. The pride that you were able to do this and the thrill of being able to look far away from the tree will take you back to a time when life was easier.
    • Remember that you are bigger and heavier now than when you last tried it. Step on thick branches only.
    • If you are not interested in height, there is nothing to worry about. Try playing, reading, or having a picnic under a tree.
  8. 8 Wear the clothes you like. Put on the things you want to wear without thinking about how they fit together and whether they serve you right.
    • If you work for a company with a strict dress code, it's best to postpone it until the weekend.
  9. 9 Find childhood ice cream. Delicious ice cream is sold everywhere now, but as a child, the most delicious was a simple ice cream in a glass. Indulge in the taste of childhood.
  10. 10 Go to the playground. As a child, a lot of time is spent on playgrounds, where you can swing on a swing, ride a slide or climb the rungs. Visiting such places will remind you of your childhood.
    • If you're ready for adventure, try hanging from the bars.
    • Most of the buildings in playgrounds are designed for children. Before climbing anywhere, check the strength of the structure, because otherwise you, as a real adult, will have to call an ambulance for yourself.
  11. 11 Get your art supplies. While you may not consider yourself an artist, try some creative pursuits to help you relax.
    • There is no need to do something difficult. Try sculpting with clay, painting over colored paper, or even painting by numbers.
    • These activities are ideal for long rainy days.
  12. 12 Play childhood games. Think about which games you liked and invite friends or family to join you. Here are some examples of games:
    • Classics
    • Square
    • Salochki
    • Musical chairs
    • Hide and seek
    • Skipping rope
    • Table games
    • Group sports games
  13. 13 Spend time with your friends. When was the last time you just enjoyed a group of friends? Get together for no reason or do something that you all enjoyed as a child.
    • Organize a sleepover party.
    • Play video games.
    • Watch a scary movie.
    • Play cities.
    • Agree not to talk about work or adult matters.

Method 3 of 3: See the world differently

  1. 1 Enjoy your free time. It may be hard to believe now, but there were times when you were regularly distracted from work. If your work schedule allows it, take breaks and rest. If you have to wait until the end of the day, plan something fun for the evening.
    • Try one of the above lists.
    • Do not dine at your desk, but in the park.
    • During school breaks, you can go outside and walk, rather than queuing up for coffee. You can always take your coffee with you.
  2. 2 Make time for snacks. Of course, you don't need to bring a folding bed to work to relax during the day, but you can take lunch with you from home. Snacks during the workday can help maintain proper blood sugar levels and lift your mood.
    • Skip the grown-up muesli bars and grab a sausage sandwich and juice.
  3. 3 Learn new things. Adults are often afraid to admit that they do not know or do not understand something, but children are happy to absorb new information and learn something.
    • Sign up for courses, start attending a book club, attend free lectures, or find a new hobby for yourself. If you are scared of starting something new on your own, invite a friend or relative to join you.
  4. 4 Leave work alarms at the office. Many adults bring work worries home, which makes it difficult for them to feel younger. Avoid checking your work email at home and try not to remember work problems.
  5. 5 Smile and laugh. Scientists have found that children smile 400 times a day, while adults only 20. Psychologists believe that smiles and laughter make a person happier and help them feel younger. If you want to go back to childhood, be prepared to laugh more often.
  6. 6 Watch children's films and read children's books. If you want to see the world through the eyes of a young person, watch family films or read books for children. Films and books for children are usually not as serious as those for adults.
    • Remember what books and films you liked as a child.
  7. 7 Play with your children or offer your help with children to friends or family. If you spend more time with your children, you will feel younger.
    • If you or your relatives or friends have children, try doing with them one of the things discussed above.
    • You can work with children in special organizations as a volunteer. In these types of organizations, adults are expected to mentor and set an example for children, but the children you need to work with will in turn help you feel younger.


  • To feel like a child again, listen to music, read books, watch movies, or eat food that reminds you of your childhood.


  • You can feel younger in parks and playgrounds, but be aware that some of the parents may not like that an adult without children has appeared on the playground.
  • Schools, churches and charities often need volunteers.